My account

Becoming a participant of the 2nd pension pillar, an individual 2nd pension pillar account is open to you, where all the contributions made for you are recorded. Unlike a bank account in your pension account money is not stored directly, but is constantly being invested to make a profit and provide a bigger pension in old age.

After registration of contributions in your account the amount of money is being transferred to your chosen fund manager investment plan`s account in a custodian bank within five working days, while in your pension account corresponding number of units of the investment plan are registered. This means that choosing an investment plan, you with your 2nd pension pillar capital buy units of the investment plan.

Once additional contributions are made to your account, they will automatically be converted to your chosen investment plan units. Value of each unit of the investment plan at the start is EUR 1. Further the value of the investment plan unit varies depending on the investment performance of the plan. Based on the information about the value of the investment plan one unit on a given day, it is possible to calculate each person`s 2nd pension pillar`s accumulated capital at a given time.

So in your retirement account there are units of your chosen investment plan held, and if you want to know how much pension you have accumulated, multiply self-owned investment plan unit number with the value of the investment plan unit. The fund managers calculate and publish the daily value of the investment plan units every day, it is dependant on the performance of the investment plan.

The information on the accumulated size of your 2nd  pension pillar capital,  a participant can obtain:

  1. At any division of the SSIA by submitting a corresponding request;
  2. At the e-services portal section “Family, Children, Health and Social Services” on the website E-services can be obtained by choosing the most suitable type of authentication.

To facilitate the access to the information about your pension savings, SSIA has ensured that every participant of the state 2nd pension pillar by using available electronic services on the joint state and local government services portal can be remotely familiar with the accrued information of your 2nd pillar pension account: data about the commencement of participation in the 2nd pillar, to look at the history of changes of your fund manager and investment plan, as well as to find out the size of the accumulated capital.

The information about the 2nd pension pillar (state funded pension scheme) participants` accounts can be received at any division of the SSIA, showing an ID. The SSIA provides the ability to electronically view the state funded pension scheme member`s annual account statements, notices on change of the manager and investment plan of the state funded pension scheme, notices on joining the state funded pension scheme to those participants who have applied or will apply to receive them using internet banking of the JSC “Swedbank”, JSC “Citadele Bank” and JSC “SEB banka”.

In the joint state and local government services portal there are the following State Social Insurance Agency E-services available to the 2nd pillar pension participants:

•           Information on the state funded pension scheme member registration and investment plan choice – it is an opportunity to find out a time when the participation in the 2nd pillar was started, to see history of changes of your fund managers and investment plans.

•           The information about the stated funded pension scheme manager and investment plan change – here the information on the most recent change of the fund manager and investment plan can be obtained.

•           State funded pension scheme member`s account statement – here data are available on the accumulated 2nd pillar pension capital in the last year and at any other previous period.

To receive e-services you have to choose the e-services portal section “Family, Children, Health and Social Services” on the website

E-services can be obtained by choosing the most suitable type of authentication.
